selectcount(*) as aggregate from (select `bravo_boats`.*from `bravo_boats` where `bravo_boats`.`status` ='publish'and `bravo_boats`.`deleted_at` isnullgroupby `bravo_boats`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`3.48msdev_pro_bcBoatController.php#46
select*from `bravo_locations` where `bravo_locations`.`id` in (1, 3, 6, 7, 8) and `bravo_locations`.`deleted_at` isnull750μsdev_pro_bcBoatController.php#46
0: Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table
selectMIN( min_price ) AS min_price ,
MAX( min_price ) AS max_price from `bravo_boats` where `status` ='publish'and `bravo_boats`.`deleted_at` isnull limit 1730μsdev_pro_bcBoat.php#538
0: publish
0:LIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan
select `bravo_terms`.*, (selectcount(*) from `bravo_boats` innerjoin `bravo_boat_term` on `bravo_boats`.`id` = `bravo_boat_term`.`target_id` where `bravo_terms`.`id` = `bravo_boat_term`.`term_id` and `bravo_boats`.`deleted_at` isnull) as `boat_count` from `bravo_terms` where `bravo_terms`.`attr_id` in (14, 15) and `bravo_terms`.`deleted_at` isnull2.1msdev_pro_bcBoatController.php#86